Thursday, June 23, 2011

More of the touristy things

Since Tuesday, I have visited the Center for European Policy Studies, the European Parliament, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). At the Parliament, I was lucky enough to listen to Commission President José Manuel Barroso address the Parliament. He discussed issues such as the crisis in Libya, the Eurocrisis and the Greek bailout, and Croatian accession to the EU. It was an exciting surprise! Because they do not allow cameras in the room when Parliament is in session, I was unable to take pictures of this special event. However, another member of my group took some pictures on his phone and I will post them as soon as he sends them my way.

NATO headquarters from across the street. When we were checking in at the front, they took away our cameras and cell phones so I was unable to get a closer picture. However, you can sort of see the flags of all its member on the left side of the photograph.

The Center for European Policy Studies is one of the top ten think tanks outside the US.

I passed by what I assume to be the Euractiv headquarters. Euractiv is an online news source for everything EU-related, which, thanks to the advice of Professor Cross, I have used in many of my EU papers.

I also spent some time taking in the more "touristy" attractions of Brussels.

Le Mannequin Pis is probably the most popular attraction/symbol of Brussels (excluding Brussels' political institutions). Upon arrival, most are disappointed by how much smaller it is than expected, similar to the Mona Lisa.

In case you had trouble seeing it, the Mannequin Pis-a famous symbol of Brussels, is a little boy peeing.

Mannequin Pis wine/beer openers.

The Statue of Luck, alone for a total of about 2 seconds.

Then the hoards of hopeful masses crowd her for the chance to take part in the Grand Place Good Luck Tradition-touching the statue and with the hopes of having a little more luck afterward. I went in for the lucky touch too (I figured, why not?), but I made sure to use hand sanitizer immediately.

Little gnomeo man holding my Grimbergen Blonde, a belgian beer made by monks that has been my beer of choice over the past few days.

Á prochain!

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